Page 113 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 113

at the Viet Cong resistance spot,forcing  the enerny to withdraw in the
         direction of Alley 235, TL'e V.C.-held bus was captured. But at that
         very rninute  V. C. rnachinegun fire  was directed on the attacking ele-
         rnent frorn a rnultistoried  building nearby.  Two arrnored cars irnrne-
         diately advanced in that direction but a hail of B.40 rockets prevented
         thern frorn doing any good.

                         At the sarne tirne the local population poured out into the
         street in an ef{ort to get away frorn the battle zone. This forced the
         Rangers to ternporarily cease fire while Polwar troops continued to
         encourage  those too scared to leave the battle area. In spite of the
         enernyrs effort to keep thern as hostages,the people turned their back
         to the  foe and left.

                         By 1600 hours the battle resurned with governrnent  sol-
         diers fanning out under the protection  of gunships criscrossing  the
         sky and {iring  on enerny Positions       as indicated to thern by the ground
         troops through srnoke grenades. In their effort to resist the advancing
         Rangers,the  insurgents  succeeded in wounding  Lieutenant  Nghenh but
         the deputy battalion cornrnander sirnply had his bloody nose bandaged
         and continued to lead his troops in the attack.

                         After restoring order in Minh- Phung,the  troops started
         sweeping the rnany alleys in this area. The Viet Cong retreated in
         the direction  of Xorn Dat  and to Protect         their  withdrawal set fire
         to rnany houses.  The fire  spread rapidly but it  only reached
         Huynh Tan Phat shop where it was extinguished by the soldiers turned
         firernen. The rangers also turned relief workers when they helped  the
         people take their possessions to the Minh- Phung Elementary  School was tc,   'erve  as refugee center for the following rnonths.
                         By early evening  the whole area was liberated. An MP
         aspirant or warrant officer and a private second class who had been
         kidnapped  by the insurgents were freed. They told the operating
         troops that enelny strength in the area was about 30 Viet Cong arrned
         with AK.47 autornatic  rifles,  B.40 rocket launchers,  and rnachineguns'

                          Meanwhile  a cornbined Po1ice-Ranger  force had also
         clashed with the enerny in the area of Su Van Hanh, Tran Hoang Quan,
         Tran Nhan Ton, and Minh Mang Streets. While losing only two dead
         and l5 wounded  the governrnent troops killed 15 Viet Cong, captured
         17 others including a senior captain who was deputy cornrnander of
         the Binh Tan Sixth Battalion, and ccinfiscated l7 weapons including two

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