Page 147 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 147

engaged in other harrassing actions such as the ones recorded against
      the Newport and the bus station in Gia Dinh.

                      On the rnorning of 24 February a corrrbined US-Vietnarnese
      force, supported by arrnor and air  strikes,6wePt  through  an area I I rniles
      frorn Saigon in search of a Cornrnunist elernent known to be operating in
      the villages of Xuan Thoi Son' Xuan Thoi Thuong and Xuan Thoi Trung
      A heavy clash ensued  at Tan Thci Trung,between  a South Vietnarnese
      airborne elernent and the Viet Cong,that continued  into early evening'

                      In this clash the ground troops were supported most  ef-
      fectiwely by gunships and artiltery  and,as the fighting slowed  at dark,a
      total of Z0 Cornrnunlsts  had been killed,  five captured, and10 individual
      weapons  confiscated.  The enerny force was about 400 strong and well
      eqr]i ped with anti_aircraft  roachineguns  that shot an.AJlied helicotper
      ol-,t oi tfr.  sky, This fortunately resulted in no casualties arrrong  the
      pas sengers.

                       In another oPeration  in this general area three rni.les
      northeast o{ Saigon,an airborne battalion (-) with only two cornpanies
      rnet with the enerny in one of the fiercest battles of the carnpaign' The
      Sixth Airborne tsattalion,  in c luding only Cornpanies  61 and 64,rnet and
      fought an elernent of the Phu Loi Three Battalion for six hours. In the
      course of the battle governrnent troops killed 7Z Yiet Cong.

                       A{ter securing control o{ the area,the governrnent  soldiers
      captured two rnachineguns, ten 1.K. 47 individual  weapons and two
       Chinese  C,o rnrnuni st pistols. Against a loss of 72 killed on the eornrnu-
      nist side,the South Vietnarnese unlt lost five dead and seven wounded
      Arnong the Viet Cong killed was Dinh Huu Chinh,who  had  cornrnanded
       Cornpany BZ/A7, and his political cornrnissar,Tran  Van Ngu'

                       Also beginning that first  day o{ March,'Al1ied troops in the
       Saigon area launched  a series o{ operations that sought  to  break the
       cornrnunist  noose around the city.  In the area of the Binh Loi  bridgq
       one such operation was launched that is typical of rnany other like carn-

                       To reduce  enerny pressure in this area,a cornbined  oper-
       ation  grouping thousands of Al1ied soldiers was conducted,with the ob-
       jective of kilting as rnany Viet Cong as possible' The operation  took
       ptt."  ir"r a triangle  rnade up of the district tow-s of Thu Duc' Lai Thieu
       and Di An. Here the enerny rnaintained  irnportant  instal'lations  in  the
       Dong An Woods, the Forest of Dau, the Lo Chen Area, Thuan  Giao'
       and the Co Mi Woods,

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