Page 169 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 169

direction of the Binh Loi Bridge a gas station was burning sending a
       black colurnn of srnoke high into the sky. The people o{ Thi Nghe tried
       their best to evacuate the battle area.
                       The enerny reacted rnost carefully when the governrnent
       troops atternpted to tighten their noose around the VC occupied  houses.
       At tirnes, an explosion could be heard but the intruders  were not to be
       seen anywhere. It was in this area that Police Director General
       Nguyen Ngoc Loan was wounded in both legs in the afternoon. Seven
       of the governrnent trooPs lost their li.ves.
                       The fight continued  well into the dark hours' By evening,
       it was estirnated that only two Viet Cong platoons were in the Tu Duc
       prirnary school area but it was the opinion  of rnany that they would not
       stay there during the night. At dawn reinforcernents  carne in the forrn
       of a ranger unit and a few armored cars. A two-pronged counter at-
       tack was rnade with the Rangers  coming in frorn the Hang Xanh area
       and the other prong rnade up of Governrnent Marines  pushing in frorn
       Tu Duc Street.
                       Polwar troops also carne i.n telling the enerny to surren-
       der and the people to evacuate the battte zone.They  were to be greeted
       by a few shots {rorn the enerny but prior to the real attack silence pre-
       vailed in the area adding to the irnpression  of awe felt by a1l thosewat-
       ching the fight in this part o{ the city.

                       At 0935 two arrnored  cars advanced slow1y on Nguyen
       Binh Khiern Street shooting continuously at buildings borderingon  the
       street. The enerny reacted strongly {orcing the arrnored vehicles to
       halt their advance. A few rninutes later governrnent  rangers tried an
       assault on a rnajor cornrnunist position  but were thrown back.

                       According to Lieutenant Huynh Thien Mang who c orrlrnan-
       ded the Fourth Cornpany of the 35th Ranger Battalion the cornrnunist
       this tirne had adpoted a rather good strategy. By spreading  out they
       rendered air  strikes ineffective. And by occupying rnany dif{erent
       buildings,  they rnade the tasks of governrnent troops doubly di{ficult.
       In Mang s words      trthis   is rnost vj.eible in the troops  inability to take
       a third.building after successfulLy assaulting  two houses nearby. The
       Rangers  could not dislodge the enerny frorn it  because they were phy-
       sically  exhausted  after clirnbing  frorn floor to floor.  As they dodged
       enerny bullets and g r enades.
                       At I040 hours a Ranger platoon received the order to as'
       sault the last objective.  Although enerny counter fire  was intenge

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