Page 174 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 174

@).                                 The ninh Loi Bridge Battle
        started at 0400 hours in the rnorning of 5 May when an estirnated. two
        cornpanies of Viet Cong Troops attacked the Marine positions.  The
        assailants were repulsed following  two hours of intense fighting.

                        Major Nguyen Xuan Phuc who had cornrnanded  the Sixth
        Marine Battalion  Ior only two days told the press that the cornrnunists
       had brought with thern an irnportant  quantity o{ explosives  with the
        evident intention  of blowing up this all irnportant  bridge. They faited
       to cornpJ.ete their rnission but instead Lost 42 of their corrrrades to go-
       vernrnent soldiers who also took l7 cornrnunist weapons and confiscated.
       200 kilos of TNT.

                        The Second Cornpany of the Second Marine Battalion was
       the governrnent unit rnost involved in the fighting here. According  to
       Captaih Nguyen Van Tong the cornpany cornrnander, his troops had been
       ful1y prepared to counterattack  the enerny since they had had one hour
       to prepare thernselves  for the task. When the intruders arrived the
       Vietnarnese Leathernecks were ready for just such an eventuality.
       Without the factor of surprise;  the Viet Cong were quickly defeated.

                        The gas derpot o{ Binh Loi was set afire sending into the
       sky a big colurnn of srnoke visible for rnany rniles.

                       @(5-Z                                          Uay). During this
       battle the enerny troops penetrated the area along sorne of the rnany
       alleys leading to Le Van Duyet Boulevard and {rorn there entered the
       French cernetery. They were sighted by policernen  standing guard at
       a police station nearby.

                       A {ew rninutes later explosions  could be heard which
       were carried by enerny soldiers trying to cut through the defense
       perirneter  of the Tan Son Nhut airbase. They failed in this atternpt  ag
       it had becorne quite light when they started. Not only were they unable
       to rnake a breach  in the belt of barbed wire around the all irnportant
       installation,  but they were stuck in an open area and had to occupy
       sorne of the building nearby in an elfort to resist the advancing govern-
       rnent troops,

                       C ount e rattacking  in this area were the airbase  defense
       forces under the cornrnand of Colonel  Luu Kirn Cuong Cornrnander  of
       the 33rd Air  trVing and concurrently cornrnander of the Tan Son Nhut
       Special Zone. Colonel Cuong was hit by enerny fire  and died at about
       0930 hours. Before he died his troops had been able to cornpletely
       isolate the enerny.

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