Page 194 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 194

On the night o{ May 1Oth a US force positioned  in Lasan
       High School had all cornrnunicatj.ons  cut off frorn the cornrnand  post and
      was isolated  200 rn frorn Cau Mat Bridge. The enerny firepower was
       so i.ntense that M, 113 APCS were driven back. But although the force
      was isolated it  retained its capabil.ity to fight back. The enerny frorn a
       strong point 3Orn frorn the school directed  all its weaPons  on the Arne-
       ricans. At 1700 hours on May llth  the isolated force was relieved by
       a cornbined VN-US force supported by APCs. Al1 enerny positions in the
       surrounding buildings had been destroyed  by airstrikes.  The VC withdrew
       leaving behind 98 dead.
                       On May I lth in the daytirne VN-US forces continued  to
       rnop up the area o{ operations. In addition to the relief oPeration around
       Lasan High School, friendly  troops still  continued to search Pharn The
       Hien, Au Duong Lan Streets. The battle was indecisive' In spite of
       violent air  strikes l-n support of advancing  allied forces scattered  AK
       bursts of fire were sti11 heard. When the tanks were within range the
       enerny launched  deadly 8.40 grenades. The enerny strove to hold their
       ground by digging thernselves  in.  Fortified dug-outs  2rn frorn each
       other were lined with bricks on the inside and roofed over with sofas
       covered with rnud and leaves for carnouflage.
                       On the rnorning of May lZth the battle calrned down.US for-
       ces were  in charge of the cordon while the 35th Ranger Battalion  and
       the Police Field Force rnoved into Au Duong Thanh Street {or a search,
       At only 50rn frorn the street, a sickening odor was encountered,  The
       accornpanying  firernen had to pull VC corpses out of debris. At noon
       friendly forces had the whole area under control. Al1 rernaining VC
       had taken advantage of  darkness  on the night of May 11th to escaPe.

                       The darnage  caused to the people rose to rnore than 8000
       houses destroyed. Over 400 Cornrnunists were killed in this area of
       operations along with 120 weapons of all kinds captured.

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