Page 199 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 199

Pagoda. The fighting in the etreets lasted for  13 hours but began to
       slowdown  at 1900 hours. Our troops then took positions at various
       points to bar all enerny routes of approach.

                       Gia Dinh Sector announced  an around the clock curfew
                       At night the enerny shelled the 8i6th Police FieLd Force
       Special Group in Gia Dinh causing the death of two policernen while
       wounding  ten other s.
                       On May ZTth our forces expelled  the enerny frorn the
       quadrangle lirnited by Nguyen Van Hoc, Le Quang Dinh, Hoang Hoa
       Tharn and Ngo Tung Chau Streets. Security was cornpletely restored
       in this are a.
                       The enerny gradually withdrew frorn Quan Tarn Pagoda,
       Cay Queo, Xorn Ga Harnlets to rnove to newly prepared defensive
       positions  at Cay Thi,  Bang Ky Bridge, Lo Voi Harnlet, Dong Ong Co
       and Hang Xanh Street, On May ZTlh in the aJternoon Loudspeakers  of
       Gia Dinh Sector called for all refugees frorn Nguyen Van Hoc Housing
       Quarter,  Quan Tarn Pagoda Harnlet, Cay Queo, a quarter of Xorn Ga
       Harnlet as {ar as Binh Hoa Crossroads to return to their hornes
       because the situation was returning to norrnal.
                       On May ZTth friendly troops had only one violent clash
       with the enerny positioned in a house close to Quan Tarn Pagoda
       (Hoang Hoa Tharn Street). The fighting went on until nightfall  and
       touched off a srnall fire.  A1l the 16 enerny defenders lay dead in their
       position. We captured  I heavy rnachine gun and 4 AK.47 e .  On our
       side 2 were killed and 11 were wounded.

                       On May 28th the Marines  pursued their operations in
       the area of Cay Thi,  Bang Ky Bridge and Lo Voi Harnlet. Gunshlps
       had 6trafed these areas to prepare for the ground attack which lasted
       {or rnany hours and set rnany houses  aJire.
                       Under the  pressure of the Marines the enerny frorn  Lo
       Voi withdrew  to the area southeagt  of the Lido Swirnrning Pool.
       Another  enerny group still  lingered  northwe6t  of Bang Ky Bridge in
       an area thickly covered with trees  To avoid causing darnage  to
       civilian properties  our txoops were very cautious  in the ernployrnent
       of air and artillery  support.

                       On May 28th our operational forces consisting of the
       lst Marine Battalion cornrnanded by Major Phan Van Thang and the

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