Page 203 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 203

prepared positions.  At 0745 hours gunships conducted  a strike. Rockets
       were launched onto the targets while M.79 grenades               .l;ere  detonating
       regularly as the bdats of a drurn.

                       The battlefield  was not far frorn Bang Ky Bridge where
       two tanks were pointing their guns toward the battle area along with
       a srnall rifle  unit. At 0945 hours a helicopter was shot down by enerny
       ground fire  in Dong Ong Co, The aircraft  and its crew rnernber  s were
       quickly re scued,
                       At 1050 hours the enemy wa6 driven out of the sawrnill,
       The fighting then spread to the leather tanning plant and the fertilizer
       factory in the vicinity of Binh Loi Bridge.

                       The Marines set up a bridgehead in a house close to the
       fertilizer  factory. This outpost encountered  very strong enerny pres-
       sure but was ordered to hold ground at any cost. Our forces were
       divided into rnany colurnns to attack frorn diJferent diregtions. Close
       air  support aircra-ft {lew over the objective  and dropped  heavy bornbs
       shaking  the entire area of Gia I-tinh,

                       Anothex enelny group intensified therr activities in a
       quarter of Nguyen Van Thanh Street  50Orn frorn Binh Hoa Road Inter-
       section. Long Van and Tap Thanh Pagodas were situated in this area
       where there was also access routcs to Dong Ong Co, Cau Son and
       Hang Xanh Streets. It was reported frorn prisoner of war sources
       that the enerny had infiltrated ttrrough Rach Ong Nen across the rail-
       road into Gia Dinh during the early days of the battle.
                       At 1000 hours the 5th Airborne  Battalion  under the corn-
       rnlnd of Major Vy carne to rein{orce in two colurnns.

                       On June lst the battle at Bang Ky Bridge spread over 3

                       -  Dong Nhi Harnlet (40Orn frorn Bang Ky tsridge)
                       -  Garbage Service area (in vicinity of Cay Thi Road
                       -  Trung Nhat Harnlet (East of POL, Arnrnunition Depots
                          ln  Lro  V apJ
                       On the night of June Ist the enerny continued to expand
       rnainly into the Garbage  Service area in 6pite of 400 rounds of artil-
       lery fired into the area.

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