Page 196 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 196

The battle north of the Capita!

                          (Frorn May 25th to June 18th, 1968)

                       This battle actually started  on the night of May 23rd but
       only on May 25th did i.t really break out.
                       Since the night of May 25th the enerny had stealthily in-
       filtrated into Harnlet 7 in Gia Dinh. They did not fire  a shot. The
       operation Sector Police force had contact with thern when they reached
       Long Van and Tap Thanh Pagodas.  There wa6 an exchange o{ fire.  As
       a result, 4 policernen were killed including l first  lieutenant,

                       On the rnorning of May Z4th lt.e population in the province
       was in alarrn. Due to the police cordon to search for hidden enerny
       troops Gia Dinh rnarket was closed. Le Quang Dinh street frorn Bach
       Dang intersection to  Binh Hoa intersection  was also closed to traJfic.
       Many refugees frorn  Harnlet 7 took shelter in Gia Dinh rnarket. At
       0900 hours on May Z4th another firefight took place in the above areas.
       The enerny was widely dispersed and hid in the houses in vicinity of
       the pagoda,

                       The flow of refugees when they got dose to Cau Bong
       Bridge, Le Van Duyet Street burst into the ground of the Tuberculo6is
       Hospital or  lingered  near Gia Dinh Inforrnation  Office,

                       It \/as reported that in Hiep Binh Harnlet on the bank of
       the Saigon River there were indications  of a concentration of enerny
       troops consisting  of the VC Dong Nai Regirnent  which intended to
       penetrate into the Capital by crossing the river.

                       On May 24lh in the a-{ternoon,  the crowd of  refugees
       ernerging frorn Tap Thanh Pagoda grew larger and larg€r.  People of
       all  ages and sexes huddled  together trying to cross a lane which was
       then the  rrNo  Manrs Landrr separating  the {riendly and enerny controlled

                       At Dong Ong Co no contact rvith the enerny was rnade
       when friendly troops began to search the area. It appeared that the
       few scattered VC ce1ls had escaped secretly through the cordon ring.
                       How strong were these cells and when had they infil-
       trated ? According  to Lieutenant Colonel  Hoang Thong, Marine
       trGroup  Arr Cornrnander,  the enerny departing  frorn An Phu Dong had

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