Page 217 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 217

The AirL,,orne  rangers had vrolent contact 100rn frorn the
       line of departure  in the vicinity of the textile factory at Xorn Ga cross-
       roads. The four YC rnanning this  advance position were killed.

                       At 8 orclock 106rnrn recoilless rijles  had to be used. As
       the fire  lifted the airborne rangers rnoved into the attack but rnet only
       weak resistance.  At 0810 hours all the Delta tearns under the cornrnand
       of Major Phan Van Huan advanced to seize the high buildings in the
       zone of action. At 0825 hours another Airborne Ranger unit had violent
       contact on the grounds of Buu LangPagoda. At the sarne tirne the first
       c olurnn reported  that they also were having contact with sorne resis-
       tance nests. Later on the third colurnn was also engaged in a fight
       inside a building.They later reported that a wounded  vC was captured
       prisoner. At 1050 hours the enerny frorn a position 50rn frorn the Airborne
       Ranger Cornrnand Post launched a 8,40 rocket wounding aUS Major
       advisor to the airborne rangers and a UPI reporter. At 1045 hours a
       rnachine gun raranned  by the airborne rangers  and positioned 5Orn
       frorn the VC defensive line destroyed  a hostile 8.40 in a building. The
       VC gunner was killed on the spot, The rernaining VC returned fire
       with a B.40 wounding 3  rnore  airborne rangers severely. Then they
       set fire  to a house next to the building assault by our troops, Before
       withdrawing,  the VC frorn  a nearby garden launched four consecutive
       B.40  rockets wounding 5 rnore arnong which was an Arrned Forces
       photographer  whose narne was Nguyen Van Cau.
                        The battle at Czy Thi was on the 4th day although after
       3 days  of hard fighting the enerny had lost  23 dead by body count and
       a nurnber of others buried in caved-in dugouts.
                        Cn the afternoon  of June 15th the  battle tapered off.
       The airborne rangers conducted  another night raid. As it becarne
       dark 6 Delta Tearns cornrnande<i  by Lieutenant Tu Ba Tho and sup-
       ported by the Znd and the 3rd Airborne Ranger Cornpanies split into
       2 colurnns to penetrate into the battle area,

                        But when the above colurnns had crept into the enerny
       line for  about 3Orn a  flare fired frorn Bang Ky Bridge revealed  their
       position, Then the clash erupted. Also, thanks to the flare the Delta
       Tearns were able to discover in  tirne the VC positi.oned in a house.
       They quickly launched a 3.5 rocket which blew in the house killing
       all it6 occupants"
                        Sorne tirne later the Delta Tearns and the Airborne
       Rangers pulled out" During the raid friendly and enerny troops were
        so cLose together that grenades  frequently had to be used"

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