Page 218 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 218

Also in the previous night the enerny had rnade probing
       attacks for routes of withdrawal  through  Phan Van Tri  street and in
       the direction  of the railroad but these attacks were turned back by
       the Marine s.
                       On the rnorning of June l6th a VC carne out to surrender.
       He said that he was frorn the K. Z Quyet  Tien Battalion.  His  unit had
       rnoved frorn Bung Long to Gia Dinh with an estirnated strength of 300
       rnen. He also disclosed that the K,2 Battalion  consisted of  5 cornpa-
       nies. The lst, Znd and 3rd ri{le  cornpanies' the reconnaissance corn-
       pany and the c ornrnunic ations cornpany' He was frorn the signal
       c ornpany cornposed of 24 personnel but at this tirne only 14 were avai-
       1able. Also according  to hirn an estirnaied  I50 VC in civilian clothes
       arrned with powerful v/eapons  had been instructed to hold fast in this
       area and withdraw  only under favorable  conditi.ons' His cornpany corn-
       rnander  had been wounded the day before and Bang Tai the battalion
       c ornrnander  whose finger had been cut off by a bullet was 6ti.11 in com-
       rnand and had ordered the unit to fight to the death.

                         On the sarne rnorning Major Que the Slst Airborne
       Ranger battalion  cornrnander sent the 3rd Airborne Ranger C ornpany
       to replace the Delta Tearns which were assigned to reinJorce the 15t
       and the Znd cornpanies  preparing for another battle.

                        Al1 rnorning long bursts of fire  were heard but these
       carne frorn probing clashes" At noon 2 tanks were directed  to take
       positions at Lane 143i Ngo Tung Chau street and on the flank of Phuoc
       Hoa Arn Pagoda to fire  on enerny positions.  The VC returned fire
       disabling one and forced thern to pull out. Sorne tirne later 3 US tanks
       with bulldozer blades took up positions by the side of the 2 RVNAF
       tanks and awaited order s.

                        At 1600 hours tear gas canisters  were dropped on the
        enerny positions but while the gas was being dropped frorn the air-
        craJt a sudden 6trong wind blew the gas towards Go Vap. The enemy
       was slightly aIfected but the population around the battle area suIfered
       the rno st.
                        Tanks and tear gas were al1 ineffective so the airborne
        rangers had to  rever.t to night attack tactics once again to deal with
        the s ituation.
                        The Znd and the 3rd Airborne  Ranger Cornpanies silently
        crept into the battle area. They rnade contact with the enerny at 0325
        hours but only rnet with light resistance.

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