Page 232 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 232

The rocket and the rnachinegun  bullets had hit the Ope-
       rational C ornrnand Post and killed rnany high ranking o{ficers. These
        Lieutenant Colonel  Nguyen Van Luan, Director,  City National Police.
        Lieutenant Colonel Le Ngoc Tru,  Chief ,         Saigon 5th Police Precinct
        Lieutenant Colonel Dao Ba Phuoc, 5th Ranger Group C ornrnander
        Lieutenant Colonel Pho  Quoc Chu, Director,  Saigon Port Directorate
       Major Nguyen Ngoc Sinh, Assistant Director,  City National Police
       Major Nguyen Bao Thuy, Chief, City Security Serwice and brother
                of Lieutenant General  Nguyen Bao Tri'

                        Other high ranking officer rnore or less severely wounded

        C o1one1 Van Van Cua, Mayor of Saigon, with f airly  6erious wounds.
        Colonel Nguyen Van Giarn, Capital Military  District  C ornrnander  with
                light wounds.
        Lieutenant Colonel Tran Van Phan, Assistant  Director General,
                General National Police with an arnputed leg'

                        The location of the incident was only 150 rneters frorn
        the line of contact. This disastrous  and irnportant  event had stirred
        a strong ernotion arnong the political circle.  Although it was an acci-
        dent, doubtful rurnors still  ascribed it to a liquidation'
                        The battle of Cholon  was in the fourth day. The situation
        appeared to be rnore critical.  The enerny had opened  cave -  like
        holes through the walls to spread their {orces throughout the area.
        Therefore, the battle was no longer lirnited to any distinct quarter
        but on the contrary isolated gunlights were heard everywhere.
                        On June 4th, in the afternoon, tear gas canisters were
        dropped  {rorn the air.  Irnrnediately following the expansion of the gas,
        the 3Oth Ranger Battalion in coordination with the policernen  a1l wear-
        ing rnasks rnoved in but were able to gain control o{ only a few places.

                        Tear gas was of little  effect because when our troops
        appeared the enerny could still fire  on thern as effectively as ever.
        It is sai(i that they were also wearing rnasks. But in reality they
        covered their rnouth and noses with water soaked rags or cloth to
        breathe through as the gas spread to thern.
                        Just at nightfall our troops withdrew  to their initial
        locations. After which the enerny rnoved up to reoccupy their previous
        positions. The battle area rernained unchanged after the night.

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