Page 25 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 25

Suddenly, Last Spring Time

                              A11 of a sudden the sounds of big and srnall guns were
              heard in the rnidst of the ghost-scaring  firecraeker  erplosions.  The
              peace of South Vietnarnrs secured areas was shattered.  A series of
             wild and confusing battlelines were drawn through back gardens, The
              Cornrnunists  achieved  this feat because of the careless  abolishrnent
              of the curfew  and they did it through violating their self- pr oc lairned
             holiday tr uc e.
                              On New Yearrs  eve (night of 29-30 Feb.  the Viet Cong
             launched a series of thrusts  against five localities.  eui Nhon was at-
             tacked at 0410 hours, Konturn at 0200, Pleiku at 0440, Darlac at 0l3O
             and Nha Trang at 0035 hours. During that fateful night, a little  before
             dawn,the  Cornrnunists  also rnortared and penetrated  the headquarters
             of I Corps in Danang.  They also assaulted rnilitary installations in
             the srnall town of Hoi An, rnortared  the city of euang Tri,  the air base
             of Danang,  and the neighboring  Non Nuoc airport,while launching  a
             series of ground attacks on rnany isolated outposts throughout the

                              The enemy was quite successful  in the initial  phase of
             his offensive carnpaign. In all the five townships rnentioned above,his
             troops could be seen fighting in downtown areas. The V.C.  pressure
             in Qui Nhon, Nha Trang,and  Pleiku was eli.rninated  rather quickly and
             it took the I Corps headquarters  garrison only a few hours to dislodge
             the intruders. It took rnany days for the garrisoning troops in Ban-rne-
             thuot and Konturn to get their situations completely under control,

                             A bare twenty-four hours after the first  holiday strikes
             the Viet Cong launched  a rnuch larger offensive which concentrated  on
             Saigon and the Mekong delta. In the rneantirne the central governrnent
             had warned provincial authorities of an irnpending C ornrnuni st offen-
             sive. On the very first  day of the Year of the Monkey (Jan. 30), Radio
             Saigon denounced  the Cornrnunists for their bLatant violations of the
             holiday ceasefire  and announced  the abrogation  of the truce order.

                             In the joy of Tet,  nonetheless, little  attention  was paid
             to these developrnents. Particularly  in Saigon, where rnernbeis of
             local garrisons were ordered back to their barracks,  there were
             rnany who failed to listen to the radio and did not have the slightest
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