Page 26 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 26

idea what it was all about. In srnall provincial and district  towns the
         authorities were rrrore successful  in cornrnunicating their orders to
         the local trooP s.

                          Che sara sara with the Viet Cong nation-wide  offensive
         on and gaining  rnornenturn  in the first  hours of the carnpaign  it was
         feared that Hanoi was about to realize its finat objective of conquering
         South Vietnarn. During the hollday period a total of 28 provincial capi-
         tals were attacked along with the sprawling rnetropolis of Saigon-Cho-
         lon. The following  surnrnarires the situation.

                          In the nationts northerrnost  provinces, rnilitarily  known
          as I Corps, the Corornunists  attacked Hue at 0200 hours on 3l Januarll
         then followed up with sirnilar assaults on Quang Tri,  Quang Tin,  and
         Quang  Ngai only two hours aJter the Hue push. In II Corps - the High-
         lands and the coastal provinces  -  Phan Thiet was hit at about the sarne
         tirne while the highLan<i resort oI Dalat was attacked during the early
         hours of Z February.

                          In the provinces surrounding Saigon, rnilitarily  known as
          III Corps, the Comrnunists  aLso launched a series of we 11- c oor dinated
          attacks against vital rnilitary  and political installations during the
          early hours of 31 January. The headquarters of the 25th Infantry  Di-
          wision in I{au Nghia province was assaulted the following rnorning.  In
          the early hours of l  F ebruary, in stallations in Binh Duong and Bien
          Hoa provinces were assailed' Long-Khanh was to -be  added to the list
          the f ollowing niqht.
                          In the Mekong Delta (fV Corps) C ornrnuni st pressure  was
          acutely felt in Phong Di.nh, Vinh Long (1 Feb'          ),   in Kien Hoa, Dinh
          Tuong, Kien Giang, and Vinh Binh (2 Feb.), in Kien Tuong (a Feb.                  )'
          and finally at the headquarters of the 44th Special Zone at Cao Lanh
          in the early hours of 5 February. Go Cong was the target for another
          V. C. assault the following night and Bac Lieu was struck five days
          late r .
                          Chronologically,  the V.C'  Tet offensive included  the

          f ollowing  actions  :
                          Tetts Eve : Qui Nhon, Konturn, Pleiku, Darlac,and Nha
          Trang ; all these Cities are located either in the highland  or central
          c oa st.

                          31 Januarv : Saigon-Cholon,  Gia Dinli, Can Tho and
          Vinh Long (f If        fV- Corps); Phan Thiet (II Corps);  and Hue, Quang

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