Page 31 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 31

in such places as the Binh Loi Bridge area in Saigon, Thu Duc, l-an
           An, Go Vap, Dinh Tuong, Kien Hoa and Chau Doc. The rnost impor-
           tant of these was against the city of Phan Thiet on the central coast.
           This followed by a couple of hours the Comrnunist mortar and rocket
           bornbardrnent of the Tan Son Nhut Air  Base (0110 hour), the MACV
           headquarters  (0120), the National Poli.ce headquarters on Tran l{ung
           Dao boulevard, and the Phu Larn Radar Statiorr.

                           On 25 February the enerny again n-rortared and attacked
           An Xuyen provincial  town. His troops penetrated  the city and barri-
           caded thernselves  in the local hospital but were dislodged in the early
           hours of the following rnorning. At this tirne a significant Corrrmunist
           force once rnore tried to infiltrate into the sprawling rnetropolis of
           Saigon-Cholon but was stopped at Hoc Mon and Phu Tho Hoa to the
           northwest  and west of the capital. The situation in Hue also ca-r-ne
           under control after 26 days of continuous fighting.

                           Hanoi rnade a big effort to pour arl-ns arrd ammunition
           into South Vietnam while the V. C, offensive  was on, especially  over
           the sea.Cn 2! February, within two short hours (frorn 0100 to  0300),
           South Vietnarnese  and U,S. ships intercepted three North Vietnarrrese
          trawler s just o{f the coast of Duc Pho district  ir-r Quang  Ngai province,
          Darn Van in Khanh Hoa province, and Bo De in An Xuyen province.
           In all three cases the Cornrnunist crewrnen fought back vigorously but
           two of the trawlers were sunk and the third one pursued until it
           grounded and exploded.

                           A total of 645 rifles,  45 sub-rnachine-guns  and 13 rnachine-
          guns were captured  in the vessel  sunk off the coast o{ Quang Ngai.
          In the trawler grounded off the coast of Khanh Hoa province,sorne  for-
          ty 8,40 rocket launchers, 28 AK.50 rifles,  and rnany cases of rrredi-
          cine rnade in  eastern Europe and Cornrnunist China were corfiscated.
          There were also 11 bodies found on the charred vessel. The following
          day (l March), another three boats were either captured or sunk.
          They, too, contained an irnportant  quantity of arrns and amn-runition.

                          Following these defeats on the sea the Viet Cong again
          launched a third wave of assaults throughout  South Vietnarl.  The rnain
          prong of this offensive action was in the western provinces  of South
          Vietnarn, especially  the srnall provincial  capital of Quan Long (Ca-
          Mau). V. C. gunners also rrrortared, for the first  tirne, the airstrip  at
          C arn Ranh, slightly  darnaging  it. It wa6 all the Coinrnunists could do.
          Despite their thrusts they failed to produce  any results.

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