Page 34 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 34

Generai. Williarn C'  Westrnoreland,  U. S. C ornrnander  in
        Vietnarn,in  the rrreanwhile, had ordered the forrnation of a provisional
        Corps CorlLrrand in l Corps and appointed  General Robert E'  Cushrnan
        to cornrnand it,  This change was lnade to better prePare the troops for
        a possible North Vietnarnese  attack on Khe-Sanh.
                       Little  by littLe norrnalcy was restored in Saigon and other
        rnajor cities throughout  South Vietnarn. The cost of living,  which  had
        spiralecl during the heated days of February,  did not go down'  A1-
        though it was too early for rnost people to decide which side had won
        the first  round. of battles, the sad reality dawned that the South Viet-
        narnese  administration had another load on its  shoulders' A great
        nurnber of people were homeless  refugees in their own towns and were
        badly in need o{ assistance.

        FriendEy  remst6om
                        In the second half of March South Vietnarnese  and Allied
        troops had the situation throughout  the land under control - especially
        after they started a series of uninterrupted  offensive aweeps  around
        the big cities.  Following Operation Tran Hung Dao, which put an end
        to the C ornrluni st presence within the caPital city,  an unprecedentedly
        large operation  was launched on 11 March. This operation  was code-
        narned   "Quyet   Thang't (winning Dete rrnination). It achieved litt1e al-
        though grouping 50, 000 troops frorn six divisions and two task {orces
        in the f ive province s surrounding  Saigon (Gla Ointr' Long An, Bien
        Hoa, Binh Duong, and Hau Nghia). On the South Vietnarne se side
        there were elements of the Fifth and Twenty-Fifth Infantry Divisions'
        an airborne task force,  a r'-rarine task force,  a ranger unit and sorne
        police. Cn the American side there were elernents  of the First,  Ninth,
        and Twenty-Fif th Djvisions'
                         In the Mekong De1ta, Operation Truong  Cong Dinh -
        narned aJter a farnous Vietnarnese guerrilla Ieader in the 1860rs - was
        Iaunched  on the sarne pattern, In the northern provinces  a series o{
         operations code-narned J-arn Son were ordered while Operation  Mac
        Arthur,  grouping elernents of the U. S. Fourth Infantry Division  and
        the ARVN Z3rd Division,  wa-s conducted in the highlands,  In addition
        there were other regular type operations such as Wallowa Wheeler  in
        Narn Tin and Muscatine in Quang Ngai.

                         Aithough  these operations  were not exactly successful,
         total C ornrnuni st losses reached new heights each passing day.

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