Page 30 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 30

rnortar attacks or srnall harassing actions and some were left cornple-
          tely alone by the Cornrnunists.  A list  of these towns and their  situation

          follows :
                          Ninh Thuan (cahn), P}ru Yen (harassrnent  on outskirt)'
          Phu Bon (cairn), Larn Dong (harassrnent at Di  Linh MACV' 2 Feb'                  )'
          Tay Ninh (rnortared., 2 Feb.       ),Long   An (rnortared,  10 f eb'  )'   Hau Nghia
          (mortar attacks), Binh Long (calrn),  Phuoc         .Tuy   (harassrnent  on the
          outskirts), Phuoc Long (rnortared,  ? Feb.          ),  Kien Phong (rnortaring
          of Cao Lanh, 2 Feb.      ),   Ba Xuyen (rnortaring of the airport at Soc
          Trang), Sadec (rnortared,  10 Feb. ),        Chau Doc (rnortared'  3I Jan' /'
          An X"uyen (rnortared, 3l Jan. and 6 Feb. ),          Chuong Thien' An Giang'
          Quang Duc and Binh Tuy (calrn), Carn Ranh (calm)'

                          Cornpared  with other Tet targets the above provincial
          capitals are relatively unirnportant.  The enerny rnight have thought
          that success elsewhere would autornatic  ally yield wictory in these
          rninor localities.  That is probably why regional Viet Cong troops were
          not used against srnall and isolated  outposts but were deployed  along
          with rnain force units to attack only target cities'  The enerny rnust
          have reasoned that if these prirnary targets fe1l the secondary ones
          would nece  s sarilY be theirs.

          Second wave
                           The Viet Cong general offensive lasted about two weeks'
          Cornrnunist activities  slowed  down either through friendly pressure or
          through their own tactical rnaneuverings.  The very heavy losses  suf-
          fered during the unprecedented  two weeks of fighting put the Cornrnu-
          nists in the position of having to seek sorne respite and replacernents
          {or their depleted ranks. During the night of Saturday'  the 17th of Fe-
          bruary, enerny troops once lnore rnade their presence felt throughout
          the c ountry,
                           Unlike the Tet actions, however, it did not last long'
           Although  enerny soldiers were seen on the outskirts of rnany of the
           nation'-s big cifies and townships,  the new Cornrnunist  attack took the
           forrn of stand-off rnortar and rocket fires  rather than ground assaults'
           A total of 4? south vietnarnese  and Allied installations  were pounded.
           This rnakes the second  wave a little  different frorn the first'  inas-
           rnuch as only GVN and South Vietnarnese rnilitary  installations were

           hit in the latte r .
                           The rnortar raids were followed by ground assaults

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