Page 27 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 27

Tri,  Quang Tin and euang Ngai (t Corps).

                             l Feb.ruarv : Kien Hoa, Dinh Tuong, Go Cong, Kien
            Giang, Vinh Binh (IV Corps); Binh Duong and Bien ffoa (Ui Corps);
            On this day the enemy pressure  lost sorne of its rnornenturn  throughout
            the country although in such places as Saigon, Hue, Ban Me Thuo1,
            Konturn, My Tho and Vinh Long, the situation still  could be d.escribed
            as dangerous, After sunrise, Kien Tuong town and a few garrisons  in
            Long Khanh province were attacked but the assailants wer-e quickly

                            2 Februarv  : Dalat (II Corps).

                            3 Februarv : Enerny activities definitely decreased through_
            out  the nati.on. only in Hue did the cornrnunists  continue their occu-
            pation of the CitaCel.  In other citie6 the insurgents  sought security by
            hiding arnong the people  but they were rooted out. Cn that and the fof_
            Iowing day they also atternpted to attack the provincial  town of Go_Cong
            and the headquarters of the 44th special Military  District.  They failed.
                            6 February  : The situation in Hue, Saigon,  and Can Tho
            continued to be a source  of worry for rnilitary cornrnanders.            particu_
            larly  in Phong Dinh province, in the Mekong delta, V.C.  pressure
            slowed  down for  a while, then becarne rnore intense in rnid._February.
            In other parts of the country, I and IV Corps, the Corn_
            rnunists continued pounding populated areas with rnortars and rockets.

                            7 February  : For the first  tirne in the war the Cornrnu_
            nists used tanks to attack an Allied position.  A Cornrnunist arrnored
            c olurnn crossed the border frorn Laos and swept through the srnall
           village of Lang Vei near Khe Sanh, This brought about the collapse of
           the defensive systern at Lang Vei. Cnly 7Z ol the defend.ers could get
            to Khe Sanh with the rernaining  316 rnen consid.ered. either killed or
           rnissing. In the rneantirne U.S, rnarines joined the Battle of Hue and
           dislodged  the Cornrnunists frorn the residential  areas of the forrner
            irnperial c apital.

                            l0 Februaly:V.  C. troops entered Bac_Lieu City and set
           afire an . sti.trat.E t, OOO houses. Except for Saigon and Hue, all other
           South Vietnarnese  cities had been cleared of Cornrnunist troops by now.
           In Saigon, the fighting was located in the suburbs and in Hue it was in
           the areas of Cua Huu and the Bach Ho Bridge.

                           28 of the 48 cities and provincial  towns of South Vietnarn
           were attacked by the enerny. The rernaining 20 only recorded  a few

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