Page 349 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 349

the enerny in the residential areas, especially at the Catholic o'rned
      Kirn Thong school and the citadelrs east gate. Throughout the rnorning
      neither o{ these {riendly units ever succeeded in relieving enerny
      pressure frorn these areas because of the heavy enerny Iire'  Airstrikes
      were finally requested in the afternoon with the approval of the
      schoolrs owner, the 1oca1 parish priest.  Sorne eighty enerny bodies
      were counted and 28 weapons,  including one flarnethrower,  were seized
      in these areas. One arrnor  Lieutenant  and live rnen were killed and
      19 rnen were wounded.  One Cornpany  frorn the 3f4 Battalior',  which
      btocked the enernyrs route into the city frorn the east, engaged an
      advancing enerny force and in{licted serious  casualties upon it'

                       In the east gate battle the 3f4 Battation was so badly
      understrength that the Division cornrnand had to send one of its own
      garrison cornpanies  io reinforce the battalion, The cornpanyrs  colTr-
      rnanding officer  Capt Nguyen Van Thanh was killed by enerny sniper
      fire.  Another division staff officer,  Lt Dung, was also killed while
      trying to get back to his house to bring his {arnily out of the enerny
       controlled area.
                       It was not untit rnid rnorning that an armor unit could be
       rnaneuvered  into position for counterattack on the enerny held RF-PF
       Training Center on the other side of the Tra  Khrrc river'  The Center
      was guarded by over twenty rnilitiarnen when the enerny Iaunched the
       offensive early in the rnorning. The centerrs deputy cornrnander,  a
       Lieutenant,  was killed along with sorne of his rnen. His boss, Maj Te'
       and the other rnen withdrew to the Tra Khuc bridge and rnade their
       way to the position of tt''e +f4 Battalion  for a counterattack' The hill-
       top center was lost to the enerrry without the knowledge  ol tihe 4f 4
       Battalion. Thus, when some of the enerny carne down the hi1l, the
       bridge guards thought they were RD cadre and did not open fire'

                       Actually  only one conlpany of tir'e 4f 4 Battalion was
       stationed at the Tra-Khuc  bridge, The other two cornpanies  were
       being positioned about three and {our kilorneters  away when the enerny
       started the offensive. The enerny was not aware o{ this fact and thus
       left the outnurnbered.  Tra  Khuc bridge guards alone when he storrned
       into the training centel, He only fired one round of 60rnrn rnortar at
       the bridge wounding two rnedics, 3rd Lt Hoa and Corporal Quy'
                       This was the third  tirrre in one year that this training
       center had fallen into enerny hands. One tirne the enerny disguised
       themselves as loca1 villagers and carne to \tatch the rnovie lnd then
       took over the center in a surprise  n raid.

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