Page 345 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 345

this arrnor counterattack was hit by the enerny's deadly rockets. The
       enenry seerned to have been caught off balance. Sorne of these arrnor
       vehicles blocked the way to further enerny assaults  while the others
       scoured the sugarcane fields for possible enerny survivors.

                        Prior to daylight no further assaults  were launched  by
       the enerny in this sector of the city.  The enerny,however, refused to
       pull out of the residential  areas at this tirne,
                        The situation  on other fronts within the city also irnpro-
       ved, A11 enerny assaults were thrown back except for those against
       the city jail  and the RF-PF Training Center. These were overrun  by
       the nurnerically  euperior force and fire  power of the enerny shortly
       after the offensive began during the night. The enerny flew a flag on
       the hilltop training center and stood his ground waiting for the coun-
       teiattack frorn the city defenders.
                       Air  strikes were provided right after daybreak and ene-
       rny troops {aded into neighboring civilian populated  areas for cover,
       Arrned helicopters strafed the jait which had been overrun around
       0510 hours. Sorne 540 prisoners were freed by the enerny but a nurnbet
       o{ thern were recaptured by governrnent troops, The straling o{ the
       jail  cost the enerny forty killed.  There were 21 prisoners killed and
       2I wounded. The enernyrs assault on the sarne jail  earlier in the night
       cost its defenders  six kil1ed and eleven wounded. The bulk of the RF
       garrison at the jail  pulled out in the face of the superior enerny force.
                       The enerny alsc' suffered heavy casualties in-flicted by the
       gunships in the airfield perirneter areas. He had attacked the airfield
       and the adjoining position  of the 4th Regirnent. The de{enders equipped
       with the newly supplied  MI6 autornatic rifles,  delivered such surpri-
       singly strong firepower against the enerny that it threw his ranks into
       disorder and rolled back his hurnan wave assaults. The enerny seerned
       to have been unaware of this new irnprovernent.  The rear base o{ the
       3/4 BattaUon was overrun at one point and of its 20 defenders only
       three escaped wounds, Seven were killed and ten wounded.  The three
       survivors  joined the Regirnent's ZZ  tta^sportation troopers ied by
       Master Sergeant Tran Quang Tu. After overrunning this rear base
       the enerny assaulted the Regirnental  headquarters  which was defended
       by these ZZ rnen plus the three survivors, The enerrly was stopped and
       pinned down by these Z5 rnen, These rnen occupied all the existing
       bunkers and fought with rnachineguns, light rnachineguns  and grenades.
       Around 0500 hours a building of the 3/4 Battalion's rear base caught

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