Page 342 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 342

1,800 enerny planes and choppers;  destroyed 1,800 arrnored vehicles
       and paralyzed rnost of the Vietnarnese  and allied forces stationed in
       the zone,  It also clairned that the planned Tet offensive  would be
       supported by sirnultaneous popular uprisings in Quang Ngai and other
       Zone cities and that there had been a secret agreernent with the Arne -
       rican forces that these would not rnove a finger when the Cornrnunists
       launched the Tet offensive. These enerny docurnents told Cornrnunist
       field cornrnanders and political cornrnissars that the offensive  would
       certainly  be a cornplete  success if they followed the offensive  blue

                       The Quang Ngai city de{ense  force and other arrny units,
       learning frorn past experiences with the 1967 Christrnas  and I958 New
       Year truces which the enerny blatantly and seriously violated, were
       vigilant enough to anticipate  enerny troop movernents  toward the city.
       Precautionary rrreasures  against  possible enerny violations of the Tet
       truce were taken by the ZZnd Tactical Zone Cornrnand.

                       The situation in Quang Ngai city and neighboring  areas
       was generally  norrnal on Tetrs Eve, Jan 29. On Tet day, Jan 30, the
       cityts key defense and adrninistration agencies v/ere alerted against
       a possible of{ensive  on Quang Ngai as part of the enernyrs general
       offensive on rnost cities and towns throughout the country.
                       Second Division Cornrnander  Co1 Nguyen Van Toan called
       all the troopers on Tet horne leave back to their battle stations, Divi-
       sion Staff Chief Lt  Col Pharn Cao Dong personally went to each arrny
       unit to check on how rnany rnen reported to their battle stations.  He
       carne to tlne Z/4 battaLion by rnid-rnorning  and saw only 50 rnen. The
       Battalion's strength rose to 250 rnen during the afternoon' The sarne
       held true of other units whose rnernbers had been granted horne leave
       in or around town. He assigned the 3f 4 Battalion to guard the Division
       Cornrnand as a reserve force.
                       Col Dong also ordered the people to stop firing firecrac-
       kers.  Many people sirnply ignored this order which was actually  an
       ernergency counter order revoking the central governrnentrs authoriza-
       tion to set off firecrackers  in celebrating the yearrs greatest festival.
                        The def ense  f orc e approached  its normal pers onnel strength
       by dark. Each and every unit rernained in carnp waiting, waiting and
       waiting. Patience wore thin by rnidnight. Sorne cursed others for the
       unjustified trouble. It was absolutely quiet outside the carnps and
       barracks -  or apparently so. The populace celebrate<i the new year

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