Page 346 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 346

{ire,  The fire was so big that alJ. the enerny positions were illurninated,
       and fav:red the transportation rnenrs delivery of accurate gunfire.
       Twenty eight enerny bodies were counted at this place alone. Four
       other enerny were killed trying to knock out a bunker with a rnachine-
       gun. The rnachinegunner,  Nguyen Can, was killed by this group, The
       assistant, Le Van Quoc, rnachinegunner swiftly took over the gun and
       fired at the four now only ten rneters away frorn the bunker. He failed
       to kill  thern. In an apparent fit  of anger Cuoc got out of his bunker  and
       hurled a hand grenade at the four but was shot by the enerny and seri-
       ously wounded in the head. He was rnedically  evacuated around day-
       break to a US 7th Fleet hospital ship. He returned to duty one rnonth
       later.  His sku1l had been partly torn away by enerny bullets but his
       head was patched with a piece of his thigh skin.
                       In this battle around the 4th Regirnent cornrnand corn-
       pound. Regirnent Cornrnander Lt.  Col Nguyen Van Larn was alao
       wounded by enerny M79 grenade shrapnel  as he was frorn
       bunker to bunker to urge his rnen to fight harder against the enerny.
       Hit in both legs and lightly wounded in his stornach Lt,  Co1. Larn
       continued  to cornrnand  his troops till  1000h. at which tirne he was
       rnedically  evacuated by an Arnerican  rrrercy chopper to a US 7th Fleet
       hospital ship. He returned to duty after two rnonths treatrnent, His
       courage boosted the rnorale of the out gunned  defenders and prevented
       the enerny frorn capturing the regirnental  base,
                       Sorne 100 enerrry were killed in this battle including  a
       deputy battalion  cornrnander and one cornpany cornrnander.  Five
       enerrly were captured along with 3I weapons which included I5 crew
       served weapons.  The enerny also 1o6t a nurnber of rnines and a tele-
       phone. Thirteen friendly  troops were killed,  44 wounded, nine indivi-
       dual weapons and one binocular destroyed.
                       The enerny rnoved frorn the south and east toward the
       2nd Infantry Division's base inside the citadel. He succeeded in break-
       ing  through two outer defense lines but c,rly five enernF rnanaged to
       get into the citadel after blasting an arrrror personnel carrier  blocking
       the gate. The carrierrs driver rnanaged to get out of his burning
       vehicle but was intercepted by an enerny with  a knife. The two enga-
       ged in a deadly hand-to-hand  fight which resulted in both falling into
       the fire  and burning to death. The other five enerny were killed rninu -
       tes a{ter they got inside the citadel.

                       Meanwhile,  t:ne 3  4 Battalion l ed by Captain Nguyen
       Binh Thuan and supported by the 1/4 APC Squadron counterattacked

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