Page 344 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 344

welcorning ritual as if nothing was going to happen. In the srnall hours
       of the night firecrackers  rrrere still  heard in the various sections  of
       the city.
                        During Tet day sorne of the city's de{ensive  units were
       ordered to change their positions, sorne were reinforced and               gorne
       were partly shifted elsewhere.  These rnovernent were airned at dis-
       rupting the enernyrs intelligence and assault plans.
                        Opposing the enernyrs 48th Battalion  and two local guer-
       rilla  cornpanies  were three PF platoons guarding the RF-PF Training
       Center. At the citadel tir.e 3    /4  Battatrion rninus, two RF cornpanies
       rninus, tl'e   gz3rd.  and 983rd, plus the I/4  APC Squadron were confron-
       ted by the enernyrs 406th Sapper Battalion, 505A Sapper Cornpany,
        107 PK Battalion, 409th Sapper Battalion, and 84th Battalion  also
       rnostly understrength units. To cope with the enernyrs  C95 Cornpany
       at the city jail  were the 4?4th RF Cornpany  and trrro understrength PF
       platoons which norrnally guarded  the sector cornrnand cornpound.
                        A rnajor eni:rny force was cornrnitted to the assault
       against the airfield  special zone comrnand  cornpound  which was also
       the 4th Infantry Regirnentrs  cornrnand headquarters.  It included the
       401st Regirnent with the 407th, ZOth and 38th Sapper Battaliong as
       well as six  cornpanies Czz, Cl6,  Cr95, C74, 571 and 5068 plus an
        82rnrn rnortar corrlpany.  Ranged  againSt these units were the 4fZ
        Regirnent  Cornrnandts garrison, its Second Battalion, an  engineer
        cornpany,  a l05rnrn howitzer cornPany, a l55rnrn howitzer platoon and
        a few rniscellaneous  units frorn platoon to cornpany size.
                        Col. Nguyen Van Toan, Cornrnander  of the lZth Tactical
        Zone, directed the friendly forcesr defense and c ount er - of{ensive frorn
        his headquarters frorn the beginning of the enerny's action' He was
        inforrned of each enerny moverrlent  frorn the east and south toward the
        headquarters cornpound  through his telephone and radio network.  He
        ordered the 1/4 APC Squadron  to rnaneuver out of the cornpound to
        strike the enerny on his flanks sorne twenty rninutes after the enerny
        assault started. The arrnor units drowe the enerny into neighboring
        residential  areas using lateral forrnations.  Many enerny bodies were
        left behind at the horsecart  station on Vo Tanh road and in the adjoin-
        itrg  sugarcane fields. The enemy pressures  around the vast zone
        cornrnand cornpound  were broken only one hour later,  The enerny
        chose to defend frorn the adjoining residential  sections, rnostly frorn
        civilian concrete  houses, Not one of the arrnor vehicles  involwed in

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