Page 341 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 341

Not all these ground assaults were of rnajor dirnensions.
       Only a few installations were hit with a rnassive  enerrly onslaught. The
        other attacks were just scattered diversionary actions. The enernyrs
        rnajor assaults were directed  at the Znd Division Cornrnand  headquarters,
       the Provincial Adrnlnistration Office, the city jail,  the 4th Regirnent
        Cornrnand cornpound and the rnilitia training center, Apparently the
        enerny thought he could take over the entire city by just taking over or
       paralyzing  these s ensitive  points.
                        The total  enerny force involved in the offensive  was
        estirnated  at about two regirnents. Spearheading the action was the
       401st Regirnent which included the 406th, 407th and 409th Regular
       battalions. Additionally there were the I07th, 81st, 38th, 48th and
       83 lst  Regional Guerrilla Battalions  reinforced by the 506-4' and 5068
       Sapper Cornpanies  and the 571st Engineer and HZO Transportation
        Cornpanies.  In the light of this rnassive assault force sorne people
       thought that the enerny rnight take over the city easily. There were
       rnany problerns and shortcornings  within enerny ranks which explain
       one of the worst enerny defeats in the war in this area.
                        The enerny had been bitterly de{eated in his regirnental
        size assaults on sorrle district towns of Quang Ngai and Quang Tin
       provinces in the rnonths  preceding  the Tet offensive. Attacks on the
       districts  such as Hau Duc, Ly Tin a.nd especially Nghia l{anh caused
       heavy casualties and equiprnent  losses. The ensuing  ground operations
       by Vietnarnese  and allied forces were even costlier'for the enerny and
       his bases. They were costly to the extent that his ranks were disrup-
       ted in rnany areas andthat his rnorale dropped rapidly. The enernyrs
       Fifth N{ilitary Zone Cornrnand  had to send two additional battalions,
       the 407th sapper frorn Konturn and the 409th frorn Quang-Narn,  to
       reinforce the thinning  ranks  o{ Quang  Ngairs {ighting force, Captured
       enerny docurnents showed that the enerny {ailed to set up any under-
       ground espionage  cel1s inside  Quang Ngai city,  loca1 guerrillasl
       rnorale was corrrparatiwely poor, and his 4 rnonth old 40Ist Sapper
       Regirnent was still  inexperienced,  untested and virtually ineffective.
       Other enerny docurnentg indicated that the enerny 5th Military  Zone
       Cornrnand  was dissatisfied with the Quang Ngai cornrnandrs perfor-
       rnance and even accused the latter of ower estirnating the adversaryrs
        strength and rnorale. The Zone Cornrnand ordered the provincers
       Cornrnunist force to carry out a three point of{ensive  pian in order to
       boost the rnorale of the Quang Ngai guerrilla and rnain force Cornrnu -
       nist units. The so called plan clairned that during 1967 the Zonets
       units killed 20,000  enerny  (Vietnarnese and allied) troops; downed

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