Remembering the Fallen

On October 20th, 2014, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was run down and killed in a deliberate attack. Two days later, as a part of an attack on our nation’s capital, Corporal Nathan Cirillo was fatally shot while standing guard at the Canadian National War Memorial.

These events inspired a long line of cadets, veterans, and civilians to stand guard at cenotaphs across Canada in solidarity with those who lost their lives in service of our country. Among them was our dad, who took his position at Vancouver’s Victory Square cenotaph. A former South Vietnam officer during the Vietnam War, he fought to defend Vietnam’s freedom. Now, an ocean away in his adopted country, he continues to uphold the freedom his home country has lost and that we as Canadians are so fortunate to have.

This November, as with every November we can remember, our dad will march in the Remembrance Day ceremony alongside his fellow veterans, and service men and women. No matter how strong the winds or how heavy the rain, no matter what ailments befall them or how aged and weary, these brave women and men take to the streets time and time again to help us honour the fallen. They bore witness to the atrocities of war and made countless sacrifices in the hopes that we would be spared what they went through. Let’s honour their service and show them that we remember.

Remembrance Day 2014
Tu Mai & Phuong Nam