Page 322 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 322

spread itself too thin to take over all the scheduled  objectives at the
       s arne tirne.

                         Another tactical rnistake cornrnitted by enerny cornrnand-
       era was that the enerny failed to bank on the factor of surpr:ise  and
       concentrate larger rnanpower to take over the key installations during
       the first  few hours of his offensive. Instead,  he cornrnitted  only srnall
       units to the attack, arnong others, the Special  Zone Cornrnand and
       MACV cornpounds, located in the rniddle of a vast plot of flat'  barren
       land. During these attacks he took heavy casualties frorn airstrikes
       and artillery  fragrnentary shells exploding in rnid-air.
                         As far as the friendly forces were concerned, they were
       only garrison  troops with short-terrrr defense caPabilities  and aknost
       devoid of counter-offensive  potentials.  They were sorely owerworked
       since they were thrown into the counter-offensive  right on the following
       rnorning of Tet Day and throughout the day, and then ca1led back for
       garrison defense duties at night. These troops had been placed under
       alrnost constant alert, for rnonths on end prior to the enernyrs offen-
       sive. They were understandably  incapable  of {ighting the enerny on
       both the defensive  and offensive right at the doorstep of their carnps
       and barracks.  Had the weather  been bad enough to harnper ai'rborne
       supplies and reinforcernents,  these garrisons lnay have been isolated,
       starved and wiped out by the outnurnbering, deterrnined  enerny assault
       force.  The defense  of Konturn rnostly depended upon the powerful  IJS
       forces stationed the re.
                        ( The first  division  stationed in Konturn  was the 12th
       division which was later renarned the 22nd Infantry Division' This
       division is cornposed of three regirnents the 40th, 41st and 42nd which
       were positioned respectively in Konturn, Dakto, and Daksut. From
       these positions they dispatched battalion units to operate in border
       areas. When enemy        Pressure    increased  governrnent control area
       becarne srnaller. However, lhe ZZnd Infantry Division had to rnove to
       the coastal area and rnake their headquarters  in Qui Nhon city,  Binh
       Dinh province, In 1965 enerny pressure  on Binh Dinh province was
       heavy especially  aJter the battle at An Lao where the garrison  alrnost
       collapsed. The 40th Regirnent  was sent frorn Konturn to rein{orce this
       garrison and later the 41st Regirnent and the light cornrnand post of
       tbe ZZnd Infantry Division rnoved io this area to rneet the battle needs.
       The 40th and 41st Regirnents  were retained here causing the rnain CP
       of the division to rnove to Qui Nhon city.  The Z4th Special Zone was
       forrned  at this tirne to coPe with the threat in Konturn.  Perhaps {or

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