Page 324 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 324


                                  A.  GE.NERAL DEVELOPMENTS

                        Banrnethuot  is a srnall town and the caPital city of Darlac
        province. It is located on a vast {lat expanse in the Central Vietnarn
        highland.  It is surrounded  bycenturies oldjungles with scattered srnall
        tribal  concentrations  which  are generally  nornadic and live frorn
        rninor {arrning  and hunting. It has never becorne an irnportant  battle
        area since the rnidforties  or the beginning of the Indochina War.

                        The city enjoyed relative cakn and never           gerved  as an
        objective for a rnassive  ground offensive frorn the Cornrnunists until
        the spring of. 1968. This was due to the fact that Rhade tribes,  who
        accounted  Ior the rnajority of the local population,  resented  Cornrnu-
        nisrn and the fact that the province itsel{ had a food deficit,  depressed
        area. Neither elernent favored Cornrnunist guerriLlas or regular troops
        since they had to bring food, supplies  and aknost everything else aII
        the way frorn North Vietnarn through jungle trail s.

                        The Cornrnunists were very rnuch aware of this unfavo -
        rable situation. They brought in equiprnent  and food for rnonths before
        they unleashed the offensive, These supplies were infiltrated frorn
        their way stations and supply bases in Carnbodian border areas. Their
        support personnel  were recruited or drafted frorn arnong the lowlan-
        ders all the way {rorn coastal provinces  and frorn those who had
        settled in governrnent  sponsored land developrnent colonies  in the
        province. Local guerrillas  were also provided thern in this way. The
        entire enerny assault force, regular  and irregular'  waa estirnated  at
        about 3,500 rnen. It foreboded great danger for the city garrison
        which had never faced such an overwhelrning enerny {orce before.
        With such a large manpower cornrnitrnent the enerny seerned intent on
        taking over the city and turning it into either a rear base or a politi-
        ca1 capital  for the Cornrnunist  Ied National  Liberation Front,
                         After a week fighting the enerny failed to occuPy  any
        Vietnarnese rnilltary installations or cornpounds  His force spread
        into the populated areas and engaged in seesaw battles against the
        city defenders who were supported by arrnor artillery  and air  strikes
        which extensively  darnaged the property and life o{ the local civilian
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