Page 328 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 328

southeastern  side  of the city.  This area encornpassed the cornpounds
      oI the zZnd Infantry  Battalion,  the Sector Cornrnand,  the 5l4th Trans-
      portation Cornpany headquarters  and a few rninor rnilitary installations.

                       The second enerny attack colurnn included the 301st and
      401st Battalions hit the city's rnilitary  section  defended  by the 23 lst
       and ?3?nd Artillery  Battalions  and the 8th Arrnor Squadron.

                       The third enerny grouping  was spearheaded by the four
       regional guerrilla cornpanies }J4, }i,5, H6 and H8 which assaulted the
       cityr s populated areas.

                       The enerny apparently beliewed he could seize the entire
       city quickly with his superior manpower. He had planned to drive the
       civilians of Banrnethuot  into a spectacular pro-Cornrnunist rnass rally
      to welcorne his     trliberationrt  soldiers and goad thern into a popular
      uprising to seize power in this province. He had also planned to
       conduct  popular rnarches into the city frorn distant areas such as Khue
       Ngoc Dien village to bolster his proposed popular upheaval  in Ban-
       rnethuot proper. His rnilitary and political assault on Banrnethuot  had
       apparently been carefully blueprinted.  His strategists believed their
       assault  would be a complete  success.

                       This apparent  state of mind arnong enerny cornrnanders
       and troops explain the fierceness  and ferocity of his assault during ite
       first  day.
                       Things did not work the way they had planned.
                       The city appeared  cakn on the evening  of Tetrs Eve. The
       people had gone to bed afJer celebrating the traditional ritual to send
       off the dying Year of the Goat and to welcorne the incoming Year of the
       Monkey. Banrnethuot citizens  were sleeping  soundly or hoping religi-
       ously that things and events would not go against thern in the new year.

                       This drearn turned into a nightrnare for rnany of the
       new year celebrants indeed. The enerny opened fire with heavy rnortar
       barrages on the air base,the Division Cornmand headquarters,  the
       province adrninistration office and adjoining public cornpounds. These
       were followed by rnassiwe infantry  assaults on the city.  Hardly any
       rnilitary installations  or sensitive points were spared. Even rnilitary
       dependentst  caffrps  came under enerny ground attack. Gunfire broke
       out al.rnost everywhere, The enerny was seen roarning frorn street to
       street in the civilian residential and business  sections  of the city.

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