Page 330 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 330

At all rnilitary camps the enerny was checked by {ierce,
       stubborn  counter fire frorn the defenders. At the sector cornrnand
       cornpound 18 enerny bodies and six weapons were left behind. The
       enerny {ai1ed to storm the radio station which he later chose to sur-
       round. AI1 of the enerny assaults were thrown back by soldiers of the
       514th Transportation Cornpany. The Artilleryrnen  also stood their
       ground at tirnes firing their howitzers alrnost level and at point blank

                       The enerny, however, succeeded in breaking into the
       province adrninistrative headquarters,  the treasury office, the 3rd
       financial adrninistration office and the rnarket place police station.
       Four policernen were killed and five wounded.
                       The Cornrnander  o{ the 23rd In{antry Division irnrnediately
       launched  a counter-offensive.  The  c ount e rattacking  forces consisted  of
       the 8th Arrnor Squadron, the 45th Infantry Regirnent with the Second
       and the Third Battalions  and the 45th Recon Cornpany,  the latter was
       operating on the cityrs outskirts.  The 4i3th,409th,and Z3rd Reconnais-
       sance Cornpanies,  the 70Znd RF Cornpany,  and the 23rd Ranger  Corn-
       pany were brought in frorn the country to aid in the rescue of the
       ernbattled  city.

                       The counter -offensive  started around 0200 hours, about
       half an hour after the enerny unleashed  his infantry assaults. The 8th
       Arrnor Squadron  spearheaded the action.

                       One of the 8th Arrnor M41 tanks took a direct rocket hit
       and was stopped.  The tank caught fire in the entrance to its base carnp.
       This did not discourage  the other tanks which storrned their way out
       firing all of their guns at enerny positions.  They were under orders to
       relieve enerrry pressures  {rorn all ernbattled or besieged rnilitary and
       adrninistrative  cornpounds, to guard all strategic points, and to
       prevent the enerny frorn spreading to other areas.

                       When the arrnor colurnn reached  the treasury office an
       arrnored personnel carrier  (AeC) took a direct hit frorn an enerny 840
       rocket and began burning. This loss did not deter the colurnn frorn
       rnoving further and carrying out its assignrnents.  Mornents later two
       rrrore arrrrored vehicles, one tank and one APC, took other direct hits
      and burst into flarnes.

                       The 8th Arrnor Squadron achieved all of its objectives
      around daybreak,  though it  had lost four of its vehicles. This was

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