Page 325 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 325

The 1/8 Tank Squadron and the 3/8 APC Squadron played
       the key part in the defense of the city and in defeating the enerny. The
       use of  tank,  cannons,  howewer,caused  civilian  casualties and pro-
       perty darnage. Though these casualties and property darnage were very
       regrettable accidents of war they were aknost unavoidable.
                       The organic garrison soldiers of the 23rd Tactical Zone
       Cornrnand  headquarters rnade up the only infantry unit defending the
       city.  There were not rnany of thern however. The enerny outnurnbered
       and outgunned  thern.

                       Although the enerny was able to exploit the factor of sur-
       prise the failure o{ their attacks served to dernoralize their fighting
       rnen. They elected to fight a defensive war frorn populated areas to
       include civilian houses  and a few public buildings. Apparently they
       were ordered to stick to their poeitions and fight as long as possible
       and at all costs. Therefore their lost was heavier than the lost they
       su{fered  in  jungle battles.

                       Cornrnencing  with the second day of their offensive  the
       enerny units failed to stage any rnore assaults on any Vietnarnese
       rnilitary  cornpounds. They dug in and {ought defensively. Many enerny
       positions were aknost sitting ducks for Vietnarnese arlnor and artillery.
       Thls style of fighting cost the enerny the highest cornbat casualties
       known i.n the city area since the beginning of the war.

                       Friendly forces suffered  148 killed,  315 wounded and ZZ
       rnissing.  The 23rd Infantry Division alone suffered 1IZ killed,  268
       wounded and three rnissing in action. Equiprnent losses included  41
       weapons, three tanks and two arrnored carriers burned, four other
       arrnor vehicles  darnaged  and a nurnber o{ radio transceiverg and
       vehicle  s .
                       The enerny paid dearly, They had 924 of their rnen killed
       and 143 captured, they lost 243 weapons including 46 which were crew

                       The  qivilian  population also su{fered severely I76 were
       kllled,  403 wounded and forced to live in eleven ternporary refugee
       centerg. Material darnage  included  3,31p houses destroyed  cornpletely
       and 479 houses at least 50/o darnaged  18, 823 persons were rnade horne-
       less and rnilitary  dependents suflered a sizeable portion of the caeual-
       ties and property  darnage. There were 65 killed,  48 wounded and 1095
       houses  destroyed with 323 housing :unlts 50% darnaged,

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