Page 327 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 327

The following  public buildings were left in sharnbles :
      the provincial adrninistrative headquarters,  the provincial  guest house,
      the treasury service, the rnarket place police station, the inforrnation
      service the public servants housing and the o{ficial residences of the
      three deputy province chiefs.

                       The headquarters of the 23Znd Artillery  Battalion was
      darnaged  by 5O/o while the 514th transportation  Cornpany  headquarters
      and the 8th Arrnor Squadron cornpound were 3oy'o darnaged.

                          B,  THE GROUND ASSAULT ON THE CITY

                       The enerny had started applying  heavy rnilitary pressures
      on city outposts  such as the Lac Thien and Buon Ho sub-sectors  as
      early as rnid-January 1968, The 552 Arnrno Durnp in Banrnethuot  was
      a target of enerny  sabotage by explosive charges.

                       The enerny launched  a probing ground attack against the
      northwestern  side of the city on January  28 or two days before the
      enernyrs D-Day. The 23rd Tactical Zone reacted with a reconnaissan-
      ce in force and rnade contact with the enerny,  Despite this contact
      friendly forces rernained  in doubt concerning  enerny intentions.
                       Cakn returned to the city the following  day. It was a
      quiet day with the Tet truce proclairned in Banrnethuot as well as
      throughout  the country, The people conducted their traditional Tet
       shopping  spree. Only 30 per cent of the cityrs garrison were kept on
       routine guard duties while the rernainder were granted Tet horne
      leave to enjoy the yearrs greatest festival.

                       Everything seerned  norrnal and quiet until 0135 hours.
      Jan. 3I or Tet Day when the enerny actually launched his rnassive
      ground ofJensive  against the city.

                       The enerny offensive force estirnated  at sorne 3500 rnen,
       consisted  o{ the 33rd Regirnent with four organic battalions, the 40lst
      and the 301 st Province organic  Mobile Battalions  and the Regional
       Guerrilla  Cornpanies  H4, H5, H6 and H8.
                       The enerny attacked frorn three staging points, located in
      northwestern  and southeasiern fringes of the city.

                       The first  enerny attacking echelon, which was the 33rd
      Regirnent,  struck frorn the Ea Enao brook staging area in the

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