Page 331 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 331

regarded  as a special feat since it was achieved by rnaneuvering in the
       dark and in the rnidst of nurnerically  superior enerny equipped with the
       deadly B40 and 84l  rocket launchers and other anti-tank weapons.  The
       arrnored colurnnrs action served to boost the rnorale of the defenders
       who were ernotionally and physically unprepared  for such a rnassive
       assault by the enerny. At the sarne tirne it threw the whole enerny
       assault plan into disorder, i{ not disrupting it,  to a point where he was
       pinned down at his initial  position.
                       On the rnorning of Tet Day, Jan 30, the 45th Reconnais-
       sance Cornpany  was twice engaged by the enerny, sorne 14 krns frorn the
       city,  as they were on the way to rescue the ernbattled ciiy.  Having
       killed sorne 20 enerny and captured a few assorted  weapons,  including
       one rnortar, the cornpany could not reach the city until rnid-afternoon.

                       In the rneantirne the governrnent trooPs storrned  out of
       their defensive positions, carnps and cornpounds  to initiate a counter-
       offensive and a city-wide sweep operation  which would continue into
       the night.

                       Two platoons of the 23rd Reconnaissance  Coropany  which
       swept the Officers'  housing quarter, captured three enerny.  The 413th
       striking Reconnaissance Cornpany, however, failed to dislodge the
       nurnerically  superior  enerny frorn the treasury office building. One
       arrnor detachrnent  rvas sent to relieve enerny pressure  at the station
       and lost one tank to anti tank fire.  Though out gunned the enerny still
       held out. Enerny pressure on the PF training carnp' about I krn frorn
       the radio station,  were still  heavy. Three PF rnen were killed and two
       wounded in one of his assaults on the carnp.
                       The 45th Regirnent was also called in frorn the fields that
       day. It was ordered to strike enerny positions frorn the rear.  Its Znd
       Battalion  engaged the enerny about one krn frorn downtown, killing Z5
       and capturing ten. AIso captured were four weapons,  including  one
       rnortar and one rnachinegun.  The Regirnent's 3rd Battalion, also
       striking frorn the rear,  killed 70 enerny and captured 3t as well as
       taking 44 weapons including an antiaircraft rnachinegun. This occurred
       at Buon Kao harnlet  just outside the city.
                       Enerny pressure  inside the city was still  very rnuch in
       evidence  until dark. Around 1400 hours agitation  propaganda  agents
       succeeded in herding civilians into a srnall antigovernrnent  dernons-
       tration.  The crowd was swiftly dispersed  by police. Friendly  troops,
       supported by tanks, rnaneuvered  to block and defend all sensitive and

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