Page 333 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 333

counted.  There were 1Z enerny captured  along with four weapons,
       including  one rnachinegun,  The attacking force suffered two killed and
       four wounded,

                       A nurnber of enerny diehards continued to hold out as
       night feII over the treasury building.  Frorn this bui).ding, they opened
       autornatic  weapon fire  on the provincial  adrninistration cornpound  and
       forced the 702nd RF Cornpany guarding it to withdraw to the sector
       cornrnand cornpound.
                       No infantry  action was recorded during ti-re rest of the
       night. The enerny again confined his actions to only sporadic  harass-
       ing  shellings  o{ night positions and rnilitary installations around
       town. There were no signi{icant results. Major targets inclurled the
       position  o{ the 5I4th Transportation cornpany, the province adrninis-
       tration headquarters,  the Z3rd Division  Cornrnand  cornpound,  the air-
       fieid for L. l9 spotter planes and tbe 23td Reconnaissance  Corrrpanyrs
       dependent housing carnp.
                       Around daybreak on the third day of Tet, Feb. Ist,  the
       37?th and 70Znd RF Cornpanies  assaulted the treasury office and the
       provincial  adrninistration heaciquarters. They were surprised  to
       Iearn that the enerny diehards, who had survived rnany assault waves
       of arrnor supported friendly  troops all the p::evious day, had evacua-
       ted the area under: cover of night.
                       The 8th Arrnor Battalion  and the Zf4 5fn Battalron also
       conducted a sweep operation in the neighboring  areas between 0800
       hours and 1500 hours securing cornPlete control of aIl the thorough-
       fares of this downtown area.

                 .     On the sarne day the Z3rd Division C ornrnand  devoted  al'I
       of its available garrison troops to the task of sweeping the southwest
       ern  section of the city surrounding  the Cho Nho (Small Market) area'
       The units involved included the 23rd Ranger Battalion  and the 23rd
       Reconnaissance Cornpany. The Major targets were the Protestant
       Church, the Finance Office No 3, the Lasan hill  and the Cho Nho
       rnarket plus the adjoining areas. The action was rnarked by sporadic,
       scattered clashes with rninor enerny elernents  which were apparently
       ieft behind to harass and delay. Fifty four enemy were killed,  eleven
       captured  and sixteen assorted  weapons seized. Friendly forces suffe-
       red 1Z killed and 19 wouncied.

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