Page 332 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 332

strategic points in the city.  They braced thernselves  for another  day
       of fighting. The enerny apparently  tired after a day of heavy fighting,
       also settled for a status quo during the night and confined his actions
      to harassing  shellings only. The sector corrrrnand  coupound was his
       {avorite taTget tlrat night. Not one infantry  action was recorded frorn
      the enerny  s ide,

                       At sunrise  t]r'e Zf45 Battalion  supported by the 3/8 APC
       Squadron launched  an attack on the enerny held treasury building;. This
       attack was conducted frorrt two sides. On one side were the arrnored
       units and on the other tle 3/45 Battalion,  just called in as reinforce-
       rnents. The solidly entrenched enerny held out ferociously. Until 1400
       hours the best that friendry forces involved could do was to isolate the
       enerny frorn the rernairder of his forces.

                       The infantry reinforced APC unit storrned  into the nearby
       coffee tree garden killing eight enerny and seizing two weapons,  The
       3/+5 nattahon on the other flank having returned. from Buon-Kao
      farnlet   attacked the Lasan hiII killing 3Z enerny and seizing nine weapons.
       This unit suffered  19 kil1ed and 29 wounded in a very diI{icult uphil1

                       The enerny staged a daring diversionary counterattack
       on the nearby  MACV cornpound  and Irnperial Palace as the govern-
       rnent forces were trying to close in on the enerny positions inside the
       co{fee tree garclen,  The APC unit and t:he Z/45 Battalion  had to call
       off their  siege against the treasury house in order to pursue the
       assailants in this area, which had previously been eafe. Their action
       cost the enerny ten killed,  two captured  and four weapons.

                       The Znd and 3rd Battalion  of 45th assaulted the enerny
      positions inside the provincial  adrninistration  cornpound  and accoun-
      ted for another  3Z enerny killed,  seven captured  and l8 weapons
       seized. The 702nd RF Cornpany  was then assigned  to guard the corn-
       pound after it was freed frorn enerny occupation around  I900 hours.

                       As the se two unit6 pur sued the enerny at the MACV com-
      pound, the Irnperial  Palace  and the provincial adrninistration  head-
       quarters,other governrnent troops rnoved into the co{fee garden  to
       cornplete the assault against the enerny holed up inside. Included
      arnong these troops were the 45th Regirnent Headquarter,  the 45th
      Reconnaissance cornpany and the 889th RF Cornpany. By this tirne the
      wearied enerny could only provide weak resistance.  When the srnoke
       cleared over the courtyard  of the building thirty  enerny bodies were

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