Page 335 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 335

It was not until the night o{ March 3 or early in the mor-
       ning of March 4 -  or one rnonth after the city returned to governrnent
       control -  that the enerny launched the rnuch awaited  second offensive
      on the city.  It r/as a well coordinated  ground and fire  supPorted attack
       conducted frorn two sides -  north and south. The enerny failed to
       create even a fraction of the arnount and kind o{ trouble he had caused
      before. This action cost hirn over 100 killed.  This operation also
      heralded the end of his Tet of{ensive,  which trailed off with sporadic
       shellings in the last few nights of the carnpaign.


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              Pt  /RAlUtttc,
          l)   ceutec                                               5.  Hqs /Mjlitory  Djottict

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